Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Water for Life - giving fresh water to those in need

Water sustains life - do you want to give fresh water to those in need?  Dedicated volunteers and personnel are working to provide wells and a fresh, safe supply of water to people in areas around the world who lack this necessity.

Many of the problems facing people living in the poverty trap are linked to water. Many do not have safe water to drink. Adults and children die as a result of a lack of clean water. Some die from thirst and hunger. Others die from diseases linked to poor sanitation, poor hygiene and contaminated water.

Dedicated personnel at The Water Project helped orphan Bridget to find a new life  and help her fellow orphans, through the gift of water http://thewaterproject.org/meet_bridget.asp

The Fields of Life invited a team to Uganda to witness the need in East Africa for fresh and pure drinking water, easily accessible to local villages. The volunteers have done much to assist people in the area

Wells for Zoe is a sustainable development organization helping communities in Malawi access clean drinking water. The organizations also nurtures organic agriculture and education
http://www.wellsforzoe.org/ .

Water Aid is an organisation that provides clean water for Africa, Asia and Central America. The organisation also provides sanitation and hygiene education to communities struggling with poverty

In the spirit of Lumiere, why not help someone in an outlying area have access to fresh water? Areas in need include refugee camps, squatter camps, favelas, rural areas.

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