Sunday, February 2, 2014

Orphans in Desperate Need of Help; Sanghamitta Seba Sangha

Some of the orphans

Orphans in Desperate Need of Help
Sanghamitta Seba Sangha Orphanage cares 
for 177 boys and girls.
Lumiere Charity has been assisting this 
worthy cause for some time now.
However, the needs of 
the Orphanage are many.

Donation Used for Rice Purchase
Donation was used for the purchase of rice, and for the jeep fare for the transport of rice, in December 2013.
The children joyfully unpacked the provisions.
The sad fact is that ongoing and robust donation is needed for the sustenance, shelter, care and education of these vulnerable ones.
M Paimong Marma has kindly apprised Lumiere of the ongoing needs of the children, who need more donations of food.
The children are suffering because they are cold; the Orphanage desperately needs blankets and the children require warm clothing.

About Sanghamitta
Some children in the Orphanage have lost their parents, and others come from very poor families.
The Orphanage is in difficulty, as there is no regular income to ensure the purchase of provisions and necessities.
The Orphanage relies solely on donations in order to subsist.
Venerable Shudha Mahathero, Chief Patron of Sanghamitta is deeply supportive of the children.
All children coming to the Orphanage needing care are received.
Those who carry out this work of devotion and love are urgently in need of financial assistance.

Needs of the Orphans
- Regular monthly donations for the Ongoing Care of the Orphans are needed
- The orphanage uses at least $1000 per month in order to give basic care to the orphans.
- Donations of food and necessities
- Funding for healthcare
- Funding for Schooling, School clothing, School Books and    Necessities
- Warm clothing, Blankets and Shoes

The Orphanage
- Funding is urgently needed for development of the Orphanage  which needs to be extended and upgraded.
- Work needs to be done on the roof, flooring needs to be put down,  extra bedrooms need to be built and sanitation facilities need to be  upgraded.
- Repair is also needed for the old school, which is made of  bamboo.
 The school is in the process of demolishing itself at present . . . 

In the spirit of Lumiere, is there 
anything you can do to help?

Contact Details;
M Paimong Marma Executive Director
Mobile +8801713622667

Ma Ning Ning
Ph: 0088-036163055, Mobile 0088-01713622100


Sanghamitta at Worldwide Orphanages Dot Com

The Orphanage - the roof leaks
The Back of the Orphanage - requires upgrading
Donation of Rice from Lumiere arrives

Unloading the last of the rice sacks

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