Monday, November 24, 2014

Candle has been lit by Lumiere in remembrance of Children in Lechaina, Greece

of children with disabilities living in the Children Care Center of Lechaina, Southern Greece. According to report, children are kept in cages. Why not sign the petition? 

In the Spirit of Lumiere, is there anything you can do to help?


BBC 2014-11-14: Disabled children locked up in cages in Lechaina, Greece 

The disabled children locked up in cages

Dispatches; Greece - 

Greek ombudsman report

With thanks to Youtube,/

Monday, November 17, 2014

Charity Worker's Companion - clip on reading light

In Charity, there are always companions which serve to make the field trips easier and safer. One such small companion is the Electronic Book Reading Lamp, which can be used for kindles and electronic readers. For those of us who prefer books, and to write up Charity reports or paperwork where there is no electricity, it is a must. It really works! With inbuilt batteries and clip that can attach to a book, or to an overhead bunk, it is great when you are travelling. Signalex in Birmingham makes these.

Christmas is Coming, and Charity is all aglow!

Children in Uganda sitting at their new school desks

Heartbreak and joy
Well, readers, it's that wonderful time of year again; Christmas. This last year has been a hectic one for Lumiere Charity. Much heartbreak as we heard of torture, rape and death of trafficked girls. It is the sad truth; we do what we can, but we can't reach everyone. Wonderful joy at children doing well through our outreach programmes. And so many need flooding into our mailbox, we just can't deal with them all. 
Perhaps Divine Providence has led you to read these words.
There are a number of desperate needs; the links to these needs will be placed below. 

Perhaps you would like to help?

As we always advocate in Lumiere, it is best to make personal contact with the group/ person you wish to help. If you cannot manage assistance (being cash strapped as we all are) perhaps you can help someone near to you in need. Or a family member. Or an acquaintance. Or someone sick, or poor, or in need, in your town. Or you can enlist in a group and fight human trafficking. Or work with child slave issues. Or women in need. Or boys and girls needing education. Or health care. Or shelter. Or rescue.

Gift of Christmas joy
Whatever it is, be kind to yourself this Christmas and give yourselves the gift of Christmas joy by helping someone else. Today I saw a great sale on and bought beautiful gifts (and sensible ones) for the children Lumiere assists with sponsorship through their education. It's time to start getting our boxes together, and posting off to the outlying areas.
Why not start making shoebox-size gifts - or larger - for an area where people are desperately in need of assistance. If possible, why not make a donation to a principal/ refugee camp co-ordinator/ social worker/ pastor who runs an organization for those most in need. Lumiere sent off our usual Christmas boxes last year, and a number of donations. 
Happiness with the new school desks

The donation to Uganda was used in a most enterprising way. During the course of the year we received a report and photos of the results; forty children had been sitting on the ground while learning. The donation went towards the making of forty temporary seats for the children. So; during this year, forty children have been able to have the dignity and relative comfort of not having to sit in the dust among the hazards of spiders and scorpions, but could learn and open their minds to the knowledge needed for a better future.

In the spirit of Lumiere, what can you do to help?

Great needs;
Children, Orphans, Parents in Financial need, School equipment needed, many further needs
Molly and Paul Care Foundation
Mr Gerald Ntuwa

Children, all amenities including water, gas, suitable shelter, clothing, school fees, food, many further needs
South Africa 
Mr Mark van der Walt at Coronation Park Marike de Klerk Children's Fund

Orphans, children in desperate need, Orphanage needing to be rebuilt
M Paimong Marma and Ma Ning Ning



Lumiere Remembers Slaves; a Candle has been Lit

A candle has been lit by Lumiere in remembrance of all slaves at this Christmas time. Nearly 36 million people worldwide live in slavery, according to survey by anti-slavery campaign group Walk Free. The report defines people subjected to forced labour, debt bondage, trafficking, sexual exploitation
for money and forced or servile marriage as slaves. 
No one should be enslaved; all should be free.

In the spirit of Lumiere, 
is there anything you can do to help?

Almost 36m people live in modern slavery - report

Walk Free

Slavery International

List of Organizations that Combat Human Trafficking

With thanks to Wikipedia

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Good Health Lesson 28; Mumps


Mumps is a disease caused by a virus. A virus is one of the smallest known germs. Mumps is a disease that spreads from one person to another, and attacks the salivary glands in the mouth. The salivary glands produce saliva; which we often call spit. This saliva is a liquid that keeps the mouth smooth and wet so that its parts work well. Saliva also helps to soften food so it can be easily swallowed; and helps in digesting it. Mumps can also affect other glands in the body.

Generally it takes a number of days from the time of infection until the first symptoms of mumps appear. After this incubation period, most people develop fever, headache and pain near the angle of the jaw. Eventually the salivary gland swells or grow bigger; this gland is in the mouth near the ear. The swelling tends to reach from the cheek downwards and backwards under the ear, and over the angle of the jaw. This area can be so swollen that the jaw's angle can no longer be seen. One or both sides of the face may be affected. The swelling can make it difficult for the person to open their jaw. Eating of food may cause discomfort.

Mumps in boys past puberty
Mumps in boys past the age of puberty may cause another difficulty. An inflammation of the testes (the gland that makes the male seed called sperm) can occur. This inflammation may lead to future difficulties when wanting to father children.

Sometimes mumps causes inflammation of the brain, but this is reportedly mild.

What to do
Consult your Doctor. Fortunately, in most cases mumps is not a serious  illness. Get plenty of rest, until the swelling on the face has subsided. GIve soft food, with sufficient fluids to drink. As soon as the pain eases, start a healthy diet. Keep the affected person away from others, in order to prevent the spread of the disease. Cold damp cloths may be placed on swollen parts to reduce swelling and pain.

The vaccination MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) is available for prevention of the diseases. The vaccination is recommended for children. Speak to your GP about this.


Mumps Complications

Mumps Home Remedies

Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine 

With thanks to Merckmanuals/ Webmd 

*Disclaimer; Please note that the information on this Health Post is not meant to replace your Doctor or Health Professional care

Good Health Lesson 27; Infectious and Communicable Diseases


Disease in people is produced by micro-organisms. These micro-organisms are often called germs, or bacteria and viruses.
Sometimes recovery from the disease (such as mumps and measles) produces active protection or immunity. In many cases, the results of disease are such that one cannot take chances, and the disease should be prevented.
Vaccines have been developed to protect people and prevent infection by certain micro-organisms. These vaccines are preparations made from germs to protect one from disease; they are used to immunise people. The vaccines produce immunity in the person but without the discomfort and illness of the actual disease.

There are common infectious and communicable diseases which are passed directly or indirectly from one person to another. These include;
  • tuberculosis
  • poliomyelitis
  • measles
  • mumps
  • diphtheria
  • whooping cough
  • typhoid fever 
Other diseases are passed on to people by means of insects such as fleas, lice, flies or mosquitoes. Some diseases are passed on by coming into contact with animals who carry a disease. Some diseases are spread from person to person through sexual contact.  

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

*Disclaimer; Please note that the information on this Health Post is not meant to replace your Doctor or Health Professional care

Friday, November 14, 2014

Mother and Child; Good Health Lesson 26 German Measles


German measles is an infectious illness. German measles is also known as rubella. It is caused by a virus - the rubella virus. If your child has a red-pink rash, immediately see your Doctor. It could be German measles. The rash may be accompanied by a fever (high temperature).

Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms usually appear between two and three weeks after exposure to the virus. They may include 
  • fever
  • headache
  • stuffy or runny nose
  • inflamed red eyes
  • enlarged and tender lymph nodes at the base of the skull, the back of the neck and behind the ears
  • a fine, pink rash that usually begins on the face, spreads to the trunk and then to the arms and legs; the rash then disappears in the same sequence
  • aching joints (especially in young women).

Spread of German measles
The virus is usually spread by coughs and sneezes from an infected person. Rubella is thus spread by direct contact with infected airborne droplets from the nose and throat. It is also possible to spread rubella by indirect contact with hands, tissues or other articles soiled by infected nose and throat discharges.

Infectious Period
An infected person can infect others up to 7 days before and at least 4 days after appearance of the distinctive rash.

What to do
If your child has German measles, let your child get plenty of rest. Don't let your child go to Child Care, Preschool, school or work until fully recovered. The child should drink sufficient fluids. Clean water is good. Get your doctor's advice on how to properly treat high temperature.
Keep your child away from pregnant women. If a pregnant woman catches the rubella virus, damage to the unborn child can be caused.
German measles can be protected against by vaccination. Ask your Doctor about the Measles, Mumps and Rubella immunisation programme (MMR).

Picture of German Measles (Rubella) 


Rubella Symptoms

South Australia Health

With thanks to Medicinenet, HSE, Mayoclinic and Sahealth

*Disclaimer; Please note that the information on this Health Post is not meant to replace your Doctor or Health Professional care

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mother and Child - Good Health Lesson 25 Chickenpox


Many years ago a gentleman who worked in Charity came to see me in some agitation. The group of about twenty street children he used to bring coffee in flasks and sandwiches too were in need of assistance. When I was brought to where the street children were lying in various stages of fever and pain, it took only one look for me to realise that most of them were suffering from chickenpox. It is essential for the Charity Worker/ Minister to have a health care qualification. It means that in situations such as these you have the necessary tools to access the proper care and attention the children need. It also means you won't get the awful fright the poor gentleman got; he thought it was bubonic plague . . .

What is Chickenpox?
Chickenpox is an infectious disease often found in children. Chickenpox can start with a fever, headache, sore throat or stomachache. Chickenpox causes a rash of red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. The spots can spread over the whole body. These then crust over to form scabs, which eventually drop off. If the blisters are scratched, they may leave a pit or scar after the scab drops off. So encourage the child with chickenpox not to scratch at the spots. Chickenpox - also known as varicella - is caused by the virus called the varicella-zoster virus. This illness spreads quickly, and is spread easily through coughs and sneezes of someone who is infected. Read more about how Chickenpox is spread at [1]

What to do
Keep the children away from nursery or school until the chickenpox has healed. This prevents further spread of the illness. If your child has chickenpox, keep him or her away from at risk people such as newborn babies, infants, small children, pregnant women or anyone with a weakened immune system (such as people on steroid medication or undergoing cancer treatment). To stop the child from scratching, keep the child's fingernails short. Gently bathe your child. Soothing ointment to the spots helps. Calamine lotion is excellent on spots  - CALAMINE LOTION IS ONLY PUT ON SPOTS ON SKIN.  CALAMINE LOTION IS FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

When to go to visit the Doctor
Always ask the advice of your Doctor when your child gets Chickenpox.

[1] Chickenpox
Nationwide Children's Hospital

With thanks to, HSE, Nationwide Children's Hospital,

*Disclaimer; Please note that the information on this Health Post is not meant to replace your Doctor or Health Professional Care


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Suffering in Prison - is there anything you can do to help?

A Candle has been lit by Lumiere

Suffering in Prison
In Charity, one of the realities is that when a parent or parents go to jail, the children suffer. If the mom is pregnant, further suffering and indignity may occur. The practice of shackling of pregnant women and subsequent difficulties with childbirth is still of concern. Children suffer trauma and the poverty trap closes in on each little family. 

Charity workers and Prison Pastors/Chaplains are desperately needed all over the world. 

Perhaps Divine Providence has led you to read these words.
In the Spirit of Lumiere, is there anything you can do to help?

A Candle has been lit by Lumiere for all prisoners, their families, and for all who have been hurt by crime.

Laws on Children Residing with Parents in Prison

Prison Fellowship

San Pedro



Shackling of pregnant women

President Obama Missing Fathers

World Vision; Poverty puts families in Prison

Parents, Children and Prison; Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children

Prison Ministry

In Prison? Is God reaching out to you?

Children in Bolivia

World Prison Brief

List of Countries by Incarceration Rate

World Prison Population List

With thanks to prisonfellowship/ boliviabella/ wikipedia/